And The mountains echoed..poetic review

The following piece of poetry is meant to be a book review for Khalid Hossieni's And the mountains echoed albeit poetic.

I ferry a big fat book on my back to read
I read it mostly not..for my eyes can't see
Not that I am blind
but 'coz they steal the light away
God the sun and
the driver the tube light..
When doth my journey to home take flight.

When I doth scarcely read it
i loose myself to it
I turn the pages as though I live by another life
The brother sister intrigues me as mine

I grieve desperately at their loss and
clutch my brother's hand
Lest he too drift away from me
as did pari midst the sand.

I live a dozen lives more
while hoping for pari to meet her abollah
And then my faith sinks
as does pari's wrinkles rise

A question lingers..
Will she remember to remember abdullah
then as a silver lining comes a call
Tells pari the story of her history et al

The oak tree,the swing ,the house
the cart,the shadow of a burly canine
a soft fatherly touch eludes her
Canst she fathom how
time has brought to her
the sweet nothings of sentience
She had been living for.

I conjured the review while in the midst of the book.While logic dictates that
 I finish the book,I couldn't help myself to it.
You might have read appreciation for poems ,or might even have written
some.This is an attempt at something different.
Hope the audiences favor it.


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