Every question deserves an Answer
At some point or the other in life, we find a question staring us into
our face.The quest for finding answers to questions has been a journey
that began at the birth of mankind,and it still stares us into our
face.There are numerous questions,some small,some grave,some silly and
some brave.All of them keep us fixated into finding answers.But
everybody does not get their share of answers,it is ones who stick till
the end who continue to pursue their conquest till the end.
As goes the popular idiom, 'Every cloud has a silver lining'. We do find answers to the everyday questions in life albeit with some delay.It is the gravity of the questions that decides when we get our answers.The answers to the smaller questions are like dewdrops on the blades of grass.You brush past by them,and they land on your feet.It is the bigger ones,which need digging,introspection and patience.
Nature's law of symmetry is omnipresent and omnipotent,good and evil,dark and light,joy and sorrow,hope and despair then why would God humiliate a question by not granting it an answer?
At first we are dumbfounded by the plethora & complexity that life poses to us.The hope of getting answers,is as rare as the rain in the dessert.But they do come sometimes like the omnipresent showers,sometimes like beads of perspiration and sometimes camouflaged under the veil of another question.The fact is we are so desperate about seeking answers upfront,that we forget to find them in the subtleties of everyday life,however monotonous it may seem.
Whatever the question,even the simple ones like,"Will I reach my destination on time?","Will I perform as expected?","Will I be rewarded?","Will the mistakes of 'yesterday' be forgiven and forgotten" ET AL .Even the ones which have haunted us for a lifetime,questions of faith,questions to the creator for a reason,purpose of one's life.All are meant to be answered because they deserve an answer,we deserve an answer.
As a discrete bud transforms into a fully blossomed flower the perplexities of life dissolve before us.
The answers are there we need the sight.
As for the answers,the questions need to be right.
As goes the popular idiom, 'Every cloud has a silver lining'. We do find answers to the everyday questions in life albeit with some delay.It is the gravity of the questions that decides when we get our answers.The answers to the smaller questions are like dewdrops on the blades of grass.You brush past by them,and they land on your feet.It is the bigger ones,which need digging,introspection and patience.
Nature's law of symmetry is omnipresent and omnipotent,good and evil,dark and light,joy and sorrow,hope and despair then why would God humiliate a question by not granting it an answer?
At first we are dumbfounded by the plethora & complexity that life poses to us.The hope of getting answers,is as rare as the rain in the dessert.But they do come sometimes like the omnipresent showers,sometimes like beads of perspiration and sometimes camouflaged under the veil of another question.The fact is we are so desperate about seeking answers upfront,that we forget to find them in the subtleties of everyday life,however monotonous it may seem.
Whatever the question,even the simple ones like,"Will I reach my destination on time?","Will I perform as expected?","Will I be rewarded?","Will the mistakes of 'yesterday' be forgiven and forgotten" ET AL .Even the ones which have haunted us for a lifetime,questions of faith,questions to the creator for a reason,purpose of one's life.All are meant to be answered because they deserve an answer,we deserve an answer.
As a discrete bud transforms into a fully blossomed flower the perplexities of life dissolve before us.
The answers are there we need the sight.
As for the answers,the questions need to be right.